Friday, June 30, 2006

...Like, is any of this for real, or not?

So this is basically the finished product and I think it's pretty clear that i don't know how to shade using photoshop. Coloring and shading are not really my favorite aspects of drawing, but I know that they can really enhance a drawing if you don't overdo it. I just used the burn tool and shaded different areas. The problem came when I got impatient. Halfway through I found that it was really useful to lower my mouse's sensitivity (really easy on my mouse-just click a button). Anyway, I'm done with it and I think it looks okay. I might go back to it to tidy up the colors or shade but I really wanted to get this posted. :D

Thursday, June 29, 2006

I've been having these weird thoughts lately...

I love Kingdom Hearts! I haven't gotten my grubby little paws on the 2nd one for the Ps2 yet though.This is an ink version of a sketch I made of Sora. I copied the pose directly out of a gaming magazine but I promise I didn't trace it. I'm coloring it with photoshop but it's not done yet so I put the ink up here first. Sad Story: I was a victim of a poorly made demo disc distributed by Sony that erased all my game data! Now I have to fight my way through that crappy little mermaid level all over again... as well as every other part of the 20+ games I own.

Lichtenstein Shmichtenstein

Eh... after looking at it again I don't really like it so much. I did it for an Art History AP extra credit assignment where I was supposed to do a self-portrait mimicking an art style. Obviously, I chose Pop Art and mimicked Roy Lichtenstein's work. It took me roughly 12 minutes so I guess I can't complain. Hm... yeah... don't really like it.

First Post!

Yay! i have my own blog? Why was that a question. Grammar! i hope it works.